The Truth: Why Laser Is Effective and How to Choose the Right Laser
Did you know that Harvard Medical School is studying how lasers heal the brain and spinal cord? An exciting addition to your practice, laser therapy brings in new patients, increases revenue and makes your practice even more enjoyable. This one-hour webinar combines this latest research with a colorful, graphic slideshow. It also discusses how to choose the right laser for your practice and how to use it properly.
You will learn how lasers treat acute and chronic spine and sports injuries, nerve pain, joint dysfunction, soft tissue trauma and more. The course also includes extensive, innovative protocols for many clinical syndromes and teaches the integration of light therapy with mobilization, exercise, taping and other modalities. Clinicians will learn how lasers can objectively alter muscle tone, stretch and joint mobility; contraindications; and the latest research on how lasers influence the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.
Speaker: Curtis Turchin, MA, DC
Curtis is an internationally-known expert in the field of laser therapy and author of "Light and Laser Therapy: Clinical Procedures," the authoratative text on clinical laser treatment. He has used lasers for 27 years, is the author of four books and more than 20 journal articles, and has lectured at many chiropractic colleges and state associations. He also studied various types of soft-tissue therapy with Janet Travell, MD; David Simons, MD; and Karel Lewit, MD.
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