Laser therapy has been found to improve the brain function and structure following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Following TBI in animals this study assessed the effect of laser therapy producing a beneficial effect on the long-term outcome of brain lesions. An 810 nm laser was employed transcranially 4, 6 or 8 hrs post-trauma to illuminate the entire cortex of the brain. The wavelength of 800-830 nm is often used because of its deep penetration. MRI analysis demonstrated significantly smaller brain damage in laser treated mice as compared to controls and the best results was when the laser was pulsed at 100 Hz. This is one more study documenting that low level laser applied to the skull provides a significant long-term functional neurological benefit following brain injury.
J Neurotrauma. 2011 Oct 31. Near infrared Transcranial Laser Therapy applied at Various Modes to Mice Following Traumatic Brain Injury Significantly Reduces Long-Term Neurological Deficits. Oron U.